Redefining Gasification

Corporate View


The world is faced with difficult problems on the energy front.  Our global population continues to grow while the resource base remains finite.  Fears over global warming dominate the political and business world. and plays an increasing importance in energy policy programs.  At the same time rising diesel and gasoline fuel costs are driving up basic food costs around the world.  There is no silver-bullet we can rely on today to solve these problems.  While we wait for that discovery to manifest itself, clean-coal, nuclear, alternative, and renewable technologies must be developed and commercialized to solve the energy shortfall.
SynGasCo is working to solve this problem.  How?  The multi-fuel capability of our patented gasification technology is ideal as the engine for production of synthesis gas which can serve as substitute natural gas or produce electricity, distillate products, or fertilizers from coal, petcoke, biomass or refuse-derived fuels.  Resultant pollutant levels in the synthesis gas are far below those contained in coal or natural gas energy forms. The plant design is modular allowing for ready transport on over-the-highway trucks, barges or ocean-going vessels to any part of the world where fuel feedstocks exist to power the SynGasCo gasification technology. Contact us with your questions for more information.


Oil Addiction




Multi-feedstock capable Syngas plant.

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